I've majored in System Analysis and Development in 2012 at Instituto Federal da Paraíba. After this, i've made a specialization in Software Engineering between 2013~2014 at Estácio. Lastly, I did my master's in Software Engineer at CESAR School (Recife, Brazil) in 2019. I'm working as a Adjunct Professor since 2014 at Instituto Federal da Paraíba (in the same campus I did my major), where I lectured subjects related to Software Engineer topics, such as Software Quality and Testing and Design Patterns
My research interests are mainly related to Software Engineering, especially Software Testing, Software Quality and Design Patterns. I am also a member of the Software Engineering Research Group (GPES, IFPB, Brazil). If you wish, see my profile on Research Gate, Google Scholar, ORCID or Lattes (portuguese only).
A list of my publications can be found below along with link to download the articles. Feel free to contact me at diogo.moreira [at] ifpb.edu.br if you would like to discuss any of the articles or request additional materials, I will be glad to help.